Hi, I'm Pieter, a full stack developer.
I'm from Belgium, Ghent and I love to design, build websites and webapplications. I also help companies with SEO, Server-maintenance and more...
You can contact me here
I'm comfortable with
Less comfortable with
(development/learning experience for now)
Some of the websites i've made
Some of the applications i've made and worked on for clients
Project/work management application
Application for creating trackable assignments with a calendar, activities and invoice system.
Used tools:
Ruby on Rails, HTML/SASS, Turbolinks, Jquery, Bootstrap, Postgresql, Nginx
Business report generation system
Application for tracking work, generating pdf reports and google drive integration. With a connection to FileMaker.
Used tools:
PHP, Symfony, HTML/CSS, Jquery, Bootstrap, Mysql, Apache
Multiple work management applications
Multiple applications for tracking assignments through a calendar and an internal messaging system via sms and email. With a connection to FileMaker.
Used tools:
PHP, Laravel, HTML/CSS, Javascript, Mysql, Apache, OSX. Also configured an opensource sms-service on OSX
Some of my side projects
Calendar / Reservation tool
A small Full-stack reservations web app for our family's holiday accommodation
Used tools:
Ruby on Rails, HTML/SASS, Bootstrap, Jquery, Postgresql, Nginx
Projectmanagement application
Application for creating assignments with a calendar, todo's, activities, chat and invoice system.
Used tools:
Ruby on Rails, HTML/SASS, Hotwire, Tailwind, Postgresql, Nginx, Redis
I try to take the time to stay up to date by taking courses and getting certificates. Here are some of them...